Home » रक्ष:- रक्षा करना (to protect )

रक्ष:- रक्षा करना (to protect )

In this post, we will learn about रक्ष् धातु रूप, लट् लकार which means to protect from something. The dhatu roop are in present tense and similar to the following words.

रक्ष् धातु रूप, dhatu roop,
Photo by Uriel Mont on Pexels.com

रक्ष् धातु रुप लट् लकार (वर्तमान काल)

प्रथम पुरूषरक्षतिरक्षतःरक्षन्ति
मध्यम पुरूषरक्षसिरक्षथःरक्षथ
उतम पुरूषरक्षामिरक्षावःरक्षामः

If you want to learn other form of dhatu roop, please comment below.

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